Radio Broadcasts of Rockland Hypnotist Jeffrey Rose
Dr. Ronald Hoffman’s “Intelligent Medicine” Podcast
Hypnosis as a Tool for Overcoming Bad Habits “Improving sleep, reducing anxiety, eating healthier, exercising, stopping smoking and more. Rockland County, NY Hypnotherapist and nutritionist Jeffrey Rose weighs in with his tailored approach for accessing the subconscious with positive suggestions and affirmations. He argues that media and advertising actually invoke established principles of hypnosis to sell us drugs, unhealthy foods and alcohol. We need to reverse that programming to achieve wellness and personal freedom.

Sirius Radio program “Seth Speaks”, Rockland County, NY hypnotherapist, Jeffrey Rose
Guest Jeffrey Rose talks with host Seth Rudetsky about using hypnotherapy for stage fright and plays hypnotic piano music as Jeffrey delivers a hypnotic induction ideal for any performer.
Dr. Harry Fisch’s “Man Up” radio show
New York Board certified Urologist, Dr. Harry Fisch interviews Rockland County, NY hypnotist and sleep specialist, Jeffrey Rose about healthy sleep habits and using hypnotherapy for insomnia.